
The latest articles about vegan dog food industry and healthy food for your plant-based dog.

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soya free vegan dog foods

Looking for soya free vegan dog food for your companion who may be allergic to soya?

Here we narrow down our vegan dog food database to show you vegan dog foods that are available today which are completely soya free.

complete guide to vegan dog food

We introduce you to all the science and research behind vegan dogs and why you should feed your dog vegan food.

wet vegan dog food choices article banner

Are you interested in letting your dog try out vegan dog food, they might be currently on wet non-vegan food and you want to know what wet vegan dog foods are available?

If that is the case, you'll want to know exactly what is on offer in this range and here at Vegan Dog we have the biggest database of vegan and plant based dog foods and use this to show you what wet vegan dog foods are available.

dry kibble vegan dog food choices

You may have recently heard about dogs can eat vegan food, and you yourself might have a dog that is currently not vegan.

So one of your first questions would be, what vegan dog foods are available to buy?

A great question and one we intend to answer right here.

If you head to the bottom of this article, you will be greeted with a full and complete list of vegan dog foods available that your dog can try today.

benevo original adult vs ami mini small dry kibble vegan dog food comparison

In this article, we take a look at and compare the two vegan dog foods, Benevo Original Adult and the Ami Mini Dry Vegan dog foods.

You can compare these two vegan dog foods and others in more depth at our vegan dog food comparison tool.

dry kibble vegan dog food choices

Interested in moving your dog to a different vegan dog kibble or wanting to give vegan dog food a try for the first time? 

You'll want to know what options you have, what dry vegan dog foods are available and make a better decision when yo know the choices you have.

Here we collate and keep up to date the biggest database of vegan dog foods available for your furry friend and with that have created this article to show what dry vegan dog food is available.